How much do horses understand? Can he understand when I tell him something? If I say walk, trot or canter does my horse know what I am asking? Well, the answer is yes and no. Horses just like humans do not start off with an understanding of the English language or any other spoken language for that matter but they do have an ability to communicate and remember. The same goes for humans but we have also learned that there are certain emotions that are connected to specific words. An example, would be, try saying “I Love You” to someone you don’t know or better yet next time your horse does something incorrect (like trying to go back to the barn or buddy over and over again) try saying “Good boy/girl”. Doesn’t work very well does it? So let’s use this knowledge and power for our own benefit and help solidify our partnerships.
Talking to your horse is great for you and your horse, if you can associate certain words to specific actions through training then you can train your horse to understand commands but that’s about the extent of it. Where the true communication comes from is your body language and if we can use certain words to control or direct our own emotions and thus our body language then we can truly direct our horses using the path of leadership. Emotions come from the inner core of our being and will always show no matter the situation especially in the more stressful.
The question is, are we aware of what we are really “saying”? Just by speaking a certain word we have power over our emotions. Speaking a word invokes thoughts of that word and its meaning and therefore becomes the focus of your emotions. Next time that you get upset and are having a hard time trying to refocus on calmness take a few deep breaths and try saying something nice to someone or yourself, better yet next time you are on your horse and one or both of you start to get upset, anxious or uncertain bring both of your energies back down to a thinking state with a “Good boy/girl” and a quick neck rub!
Notice that when you actually say the positive words the tense energy in your body will dissipate and start to relax and then watch the change in your horse while their energy subdues and matches your energy level. The physical response of your body just by speaking is that it is naturally set up to relax, this is because when you inhale your diaphragm tightens and lifts up to expand the lungs to hold lots air while when speaking you exhale and your diaphragm, lungs and muscles of the core of the body relax! All this from the effects of thinking positive words and then saying them with our mouths and then with our bodies. It’s amazing.
Tips for True Leadership! Stay tuned for more…
Be Safe and Have Fun,
Joe Turner
Rocky Mountain Horseman